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Covid-19 – Nutritional Support Resources

Covid-19 – Nutritional Support Resources

I have been avidly reading and investigating the various sources of information from around the world for updates on the science and nutritional approaches for Covid-19 help. 

The information below is taken from excerpts of recent blogs and articles from different sources: 


Clinical Education Forum

Clinical Education Forum – the team have put together a collection of resources for evidence based nutritional therapy to support Covid-19. 


Institute of Functional Medicine 

The IFM have prepared a full resource for patient use setting out nutraceuticals and botanicals that may assist in improving the body’s ability to fight off and recover from the illness.  


ANH – Alliance for Natural Health 

Rob Verkerk from the Alliance for Natural Health has been busy reporting every week with updates and evidence from around the world. They have created a ‘Covid Zone’ within their news portal – so do take a look, and search for topics and information you may find interesting. 


Self-Hacked – Joe Cohen 


Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine. He has since gone on to engage a team of scientists, researchers, genetic specialists and writes and blogs regularly with evidence based information. 

I like the way Joe writes his own ‘personal message’ – it resonates with my approach to a therapeutic nutrition and lifestyle.


We will continue to update this article with relevant and useful information over the coming weeks and months.

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