Natural Solutions Collaborates with Amchara Retreat
Are you looking for a health and well-being retreat? I have recently collaborated with the wonderful Amchara Retreat based in both the UK and in Malta. They offer a complete health and wellness package using a functional medicine approach to optimising health.
Both locations offer a sanctuary of calm and tranquillity. An opportunity to switch off and replenish your body with luxurious spa treatments and facilities, opportunities for all kinds of exercise including yoga and tai-qi.
You can choose whether you want a full detox retreat or treatments for chronic health. Amchara provide a full health screening service with a qualified naturopath and optional functional tests to support health conditions such as adrenal fatigue, thyroid and digestive problems.
Daily educational talks are also available and healthy eating or juice detox – whichever you feel you want to do. Opportunities to change habits, reboot, manage stress and lifestyle are the main focus for Amchara.
Click here to see more details about Amchara’s Retreat Experience and to enquire about bookings – please contact emily@amchara.com